Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Random thoughts of a day

Today, many strange thoughts passed thought my mind

1) Today a teacher a school said something weird, when she asked us something and no one answered she muttered to herself:
"They check brain… Brain doesn’t come up with an answer."
For some strange reason this cracked me up (which earned me a few looks) It must be hard being a teacher anyway I guess you kind of start talking to yourself, not that it’s wrong to do so but it is, as many things, something that makes me laugh, even though I constantly find myself in situations where it’s me who’s talking alone (but hey! I’m an only child, you can’t really blame me).

2) Today during my intensive internet searching, or looking for bumper stickers on Facebook I came across a quote
“If things never changed, there would be no butterflies”
I’ve never been a big fan of change especially because I have my very own crazy aunt (who’s like one of those people that could be brought out of a novel or something, eccentric and ever-changing) whose life is based on the phrase: life is change. I have heard this all my life, every time I came whining to her she would say it anytime something went wrong she would say it, she said it so much that I got sick and tired of it and started to get mad every time she said it so she decided I had heard it enough and finally stopped. Now, a few years later when I saw this sticker I couldn’t help but think about my frizzy-haired aunt and her obsessing with a single phrase that now that I think about it makes a lot of sense. Maybe all I needed was a few more years to get it and now I feel kind off foolish for not really thinking about what she told me and only about my small problems.

3) Don´t you just hate it when someone on the bus won’t stop talking to you? Even if you know them? I get dizzy during the entire trip and they won’t stop going on and on about something that I really can’t pay attention anymore because my head hurts so much.

Sooo those were some of the many things going through my mind today, just a little taste of bits of my mind.

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