Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have you ever seen something on TV that just seems to stick to you? Well, I have, years ago I saw this National Geographic Show. I don’t really remember what it was about but I do remember seeing this really cool lizard doing something out of this world! I was younger back then and everything seemed amazing and newer, so when I saw the video I was shocked.

Funny enough, I was reading the Gospels for an English assignment and I read about how Jesus walked on water and this lizard popped into my mind immediately. Somehow, my mind was able to retain that video clip I had seen ages ago and relate it to the Bible. So being video weekend I thought I would share this creepy lizard clip so everyone could be surprised and amazed at natures beauty.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Warning, the following post includes various name changes to protect its users and is meant specifically for girls!

Talking about hot Mormon missionary guys, have you ever noticed how girls seem to give their crushes the wackiest code names ever? Well I know my friends do, the funny part is that the names are meant so others don’t know who you are talking about, and so in the end everyone knows your crush as “bluey” or “blue square” and when they are together, “blue fever!” , “DAM he’s hot!” or for the Mormons, the “HMMG”.

But you have to be careful! One wrong move and everyone knows who bluey is! *cue dramatic music. It has happened, believe me so you have to be either really careful with what you don around people who don’t know about him, or you can just pick a really good code name.

My advice is to play around with words, something with his last name, or even his first name! Something that reminds you of the first time you saw him or even a random word you like! Just enjoy giving him that name because you’ll be using it a lot when you see him around school.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hot Mormon Missionary Guys

Why is it that we can never have what we want? Honestly, there are thousands of cases, people wanting to be other people, people wanting things different to what they already have, its completely stupid because half of the time we have something just as great right in front of our noses and we just don’t seem to notice it because the things we don’t have seem better.

Definitely, for us humans the grass is greener on the other side. Yet, even if you get the greener grass, you will soon find an even greener one and want that one to forgetting completely of the one you have. I know of guys who are always saying how much they want a girl to notice them, and how they are dying to meet her. When the girl finally does pay attention to them, they stop liking her for some strange reason. Or when we want an iPod sooo badly, and we get it! Finally the iPod nano I’ve wanted for almost a year now! But oh, wait, new TV commercial, the iPod touch is out. Throw away the nano and in with the touch-screen frenzy.

Why oh why are we so strange? Why can’t we be happy with what we already have? Why must we want what we can’t have? Maybe it is something like a human curse, always wanting more or different to what you already have! Could it be what Adam and Eve supposedly did, that something they couldn’t have was what they wanted? It’s the famous forbidden fruit. That is what we all want. *This is probably why guys think that girls like it when they play hard to get.

Now, if anyone is wondering why this post is here and about the strange title I will shortly explain after a few pieces of background information. I have a Mormon friend, and by having a moron friend I know quite a bit about their way of living. They are quite strict but extremely nice people, her brother and parents are very helpful and kind to everyone. Being one of the Mormon families in my city, they invite lots of Mormon missionaries to their house.

So, here come the issue, Mormon missionaries are supposed to spread their help throughout many places around the world for about two years. In this period of time, they can’t watch movies, be involved in a relationship or listen to music on the radio. So, thinking about it, what are the chances that every single missionary who goes to visit her house is extremely hot? I have no idea since I practically slept the class where we learned probability in math but apparently it is a 99.99%. I am dead serious, that picture up there is the eyes of one of them, and other than drop dead gorgeous looks, they are about the sweets people you will ever meet. When I was at her house one of them even offered to help up with cooking, what guy does that?!

How can we be punished this way? How can the best guys out there be: hot Mormon and missionaries. That is like, the definition of forbidden fruit. I’m not religious or anything but way to go Adam and Eve, you really screwed things up for your children!