Monday, March 22, 2010

The new age of the internet!

Ok, I would like to start today’s post with somewhat of a challenge. I challenge you to find something that can’t be found on a web search engine such as Yahoo or Google.

Now,I give this challenge because now days everything is on the web, and I mean everything! Have a date and need to learn how to dance? Google it! Want to learn how to cook just about anything? It’s all over the place, want to learn how to wear makeup, read hieroglyphics, or learn French? It’s all there. But you have to learn to be careful because, well let me finish that thought with a simple example of one of my favorite characters, and in my opinion one of the best characters from all times Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory:

Leonard Hofstadter: Remember when you tried to learn how to swim from the internet? Sheldon Cooper: I did learn how to swim.
Leonard Hofstadter: Yeah, on the floor.
Sheldon Cooper: The skills are transferable. I just have no desire to get in the water.
Leonard Hofstadter: Then why learn how to swim?
Sheldon Cooper: The ice caps are melting, Leonard. In the future, swimming won't be optional.

You can’t always learn magically how to do things like swimming on the internet, so head my warning if you are scared about your lives because the ice caps are melting, learn how to swim. In an actual pool, please.
But anyway, back to all the information we can find on the internet. It’s surprising, or should I say not so surprising to know that somewhere around the world someone who knows about something you want to learn took the time to write so someone interested in the topic like you could read it. Or sometimes there are videos like in a famous website I know and most of the world probably does as well I’m talking about the one the only YouTube.
From personal experience I can tell you that almost like on the web you can find a lot of helpful/entertaining videos. My friends learned how to un-freeze their iPod, how to use correctly their eyeliner and basic chemistry through videos on YouTube.
So to finalize today’s post I wish you all a happy web surfing because we all know there is nothing better to un-bore yourself than pass several hours in front of a squared shape light giving machine.

1 comment:

  1. there's no korean subtitles for 'Click' on google (sad face)
